What has happened to us?

We as a global whole have turned into super consumers, or a more accurate term perhaps is ‘locusts’. 

With globalization, we gleefully outsourced manufacturing of most goods to those that could produce cheaper and more efficiently than we could so we could focus on what we did best so we could do that better.

We stopped repairing because it was easier and cheaper to replace than repair.

We see shiny things and must have them…wants, wants, wants, far beyond our actual needs. Don’t have the money…get it on credit, pay later, no worries

It has taken a global Pandemic for us to slowly open our sleepy eyes and see what has happened. With international borders closed to contain the virus, the supply chain has been choked. Only now do we realise that we need to have a vibrant locally-based manufacturing sector. 

“There is the mother of all recessions about to hit the globe. ”

Yes buying local may cost a little more however it is time we stopped measuring economic ‘efficiency’ with just dollars. England stopped sending children as young as ten down coal mines in 1842, yet here we are encouraged by globalization to purchase from countries with poor human rights and third world countries that mistreat their workers and citizens, all for the sake of efficiency. 

There is the mother of all recessions about to hit the globe. 

It is Time. 

Time we grew up and became better consumers with a stronger conscience. 

Time we breathed life back into our manufacturing sector. 

Time we took pride in Australia. 

Time we got serious about Just Aussie Made.